high-quality, innovative, beautiful hijabs and hijab accessories

Folar By Kamar offer modest, yet fashionable Hijab for women, In 2010 we set out on a mission to revolutionize your “Shopping Experience” because we believed the right hijabs should be accessible for all women

My journey started 11 years ago when I decided to wear hijabs.

I didn’t find, in the Lebanese market, what I was looking for. Elegant, comfortable hijabs.

As I was born in Kuwait and all my family members wore hijabs, I was really familiar with the hijab market in Kuwait, so I got my first hijabs from there.

And I started thinking, “why not open a hijab shop in Lebanon?”

I can proudly say that I am the first person to bring cotton hijabs to Lebanon made in Kuwait.

After a  few years, we got into the  online business and everything shifted so fast ,we became known all over Lebanon and within a year I opened my popup shop in city center Beirut . This was a dream come true for me .

 Even though it’s still the beginning,  I will not stop working to improve myself and my brand.

I want every girl and woman to feel comfortable, confident and in style when wearing her hijab.